Only WPRB’s Only Newsletter, Only
4th edition of 1,033
Happiest of holidays
It’s been a while…welcome to the fourth installment of TRIPLE BERRY BLOB, put together by new Editor Paige Cromley!!
I’m WPRB’s new Listener Services Director, which means I’ll be the one sending out TBB. With every issue, I’ll keep you updated on all things WPRB, from specialty programming to studio updates.
In this issue, information about upcoming shows (including Jon Solomon’s WORLD FAMOUS 25 HOUR CHRISTMAS MARATHON), a DJ’s favorite holiday recipe, and a tribute to the studio’s now-destroyed ceiling.
Thanks for subscribing, and happy holidays from your favorite freeform station!!
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our annual Fall Quiet Drive!! It’s your support and generosity that allows WPRB to survive and thrive, keeping freeform programming alive!!
Welcome to the roughly 120 new ~station members~ who signed up as recurring supporters.
Missed your chance to donate but still want to make an end-of-year gift and reap that juicy tax deduction? Make a pledge below 🙂
What’s goin’ on (on) the airwaves
Jon Solomon’s 25-HOUR Holiday Radio Show
5:00 PM December 24- 6:00 PM December 25
Don’t miss Jon Solomon’s 33rd holiday marathon! You’ll hear well over 300 WPRB-style holiday songs with ZERO REPEATS and Christmas stories recorded by bands, artists, comedians, and fellow DJs hourly. Audience favorite segments include the All-Ramones inspired set starting at 12:34 am ET sharp, the All-Misfits-inspired set at 1:38 am and pm, and Snaildartha: The Story of Jerry the Christmas Snail!
Email jon@wprb.com if you have any songs you want to hear!
Viva 21st Century 50/50 24-hour Marathon with Marvin Rosen
10:00 AM December 30- 10:00 AM Dec 31
Marvin Rosen, host of the ASCAP award winning program “Classical Discoveries” will be presenting his 17th, 24 hour hosted marathon totally devoted to music from the 21st Century. It will feature the works of roughly 100 different composers from all over the world, with an approximate equal representation of men and women composers.
Uneasy Listening w/ Commie Francis
Uneasy Listening is taking over the airwaves 6-11pm Christmas Day and New Year’s Day with some special programming:
December 25, 6-8pm Songs about and containing bells and human/electronic-made bell sounds
December 25, 8-11pm Commie Francis’ favorite songs of 2021 (probably not all of them)
January 1, 6-8pm Songs about NEW BEGINNINGS
January 1, 8-11pm The traditional Uneasy Listening year ending/year beginning show – one song for every show topic in the past year
DJ Stitching Pink Shares Her MAGICAL ~scrumptious~ Not-So-Secret Christmas Recipe
friendship lemon cake … YUM … could be the perfect thing to bake while listening to DJ Stitching Pink’s show 10am-12pm every Wednesday
WPRBasement Ceiling Destroyed (for the Greater Good?)
Here at WPRB, we see our studio as a sanctuary from the “real world”, where we can get lost between the vinyl shelves and shamelessly stick questionable posters on the wall. Crucial to this haven is the studio’s structural integrity; the walls and ceilings that keep our little basement oasis alive.
Yet we also value our DJ’s safety, so when it came to our attention that this section of the ceiling was poising a fire hazard by weighing down the sprinklers, we knew it was time to say goodbye.
So farewell to this particular chunk of ceiling…you have served us well. May the garbage bags carrying the pieces of you that remain end up in the best dumpster.
Want some good reggae? Look no farther
DJ Selecta Jerry (Sounds of the Caribbean, 3-6pm on Saturdays) has compiled his TOP REGGAE ALBUMS OF 2021. Brb, gonna go listen to all of these before New Year’s Eve…and probably into 2022…need help finding the album titles? try reverse google image searching…or leave it a mystery…
WPRB History
Note the presence of the Flipper fish graphic at the bottom of the schedule—an iconic emblem of WPRB’s aesthetic from that era. Click-thru to hear the band’s classic and eternal PRB fave “Sex Bomb” while you review the names of DJs from long ago…
Have a biz or non-profit?
Underwriting with WPRB is very affordable and will connect your audience with thousands of likeminded PRBers!
That’s all, folks!
See you around, fellow Triple Berry Blobbers.
Signed with the ~utmost~ sincerity,
Paige Cromley
WPRB Princeton
Have comments/questions/feedback on this edition of the Triple Berry Blob? Reach out at newsletter@wprb.com! And we don’t want to lock you into a existential spiral of TRIPLE BERRY BLOB: unsubscribe here. No hurt feelings…we will miss you though and we know we’ll never find another quite like you….Never meant…
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