Only WPRB’s Only Newsletter, Only
3rd edition of 1,033
Hey there, fellow “person”
Welcome to the WPRBasement….
This is the third edition of WPRB’s listener newsletter. We hope you like it 🙂
Lot’s of goodies here – studio reopening, tons of pics, our Fall Drive, specialty programming, and more!
We’re (mostly) back in the studio!
Many DJs are back in our musty, dusty basement studio after over a year and a half of remote broadcasting! We’re so excited to have access to our music collection, real broadcast equipment, and most of all, a place to gather and work together to keep WPRB strong 🙂
Thanks to everyone who was with us in these challenging times – we’re so glad we made it!
The rest of our DJs should be back soon, too – but in the meantime, almost all of them continue to broadcast LIVE from their homes using the techniques we mastered over the last 1.5 years! Live from the studio/live from home/live from your brain
A visit to the transmitter (14k wattz)
In August, we visited the transmitter site – where WPRB’s stream lifts off into FM hyperspace after its journey through interstellar optical wires and IP protocols. The big tower off Route 1 near the increasingly-derelict mall? That’s us! An inspiring thing for all – radio is alive, malls are dead 🙂
WPRB’s Fall (Quiet) Drive!
From Oct 22nd (today!) to Nov 22nd, we will be hosting our (mostly) annual Fall (Quiet) Drive! This year, the Drive will feature 50+ specialty shows, fresh from our DJs. Stay up to date on WPRB’s social media (@wprb) and our website to see what’s on deck :0 You will hear DJs talk about the Drive in-depth once per show. We’re looking to gain a new cohort of sustaining members who will allow us to work on new, exciting projects to keep WPRB on the forefront of radio-as-art while keeping the lights on!
You’ll not only become part of our donor community, but you can also get WPRB merch as a token of our appreciation!
You can go to pledge.wprb.com to make a tax-deductible donation to keep WPRB and keep bold community radio alive and well! Your support is much appreciated
If you’re already a monthly donor, you’ll automatically receive the gifts associated with your pledge level if you’ve opted to do so. If you’re able to, any additional one time gifts you’re able to give – or an increase in your monthly pledge level (email development@wprb.com!) – would be much appreciated
A SMALL preview of some of the 50+ specialty shows goin’ on (on) the airwaves during the Drive! Check WPRB.com on Oct 22nd for the full list!
Tues, October 26th 8:00PM
PAX reads spooky stories on air during every mic break, but this time with a healthy mix of darkwave, coldwave, minimal wave, and (loosely) post-punk and post-industrial for the Halloween season, AND in celebration of the WPRB (Quiet) Drive for the station’s unconditional love for all things a little weird and scary. It’s the moody synthpop time of year!
Halloween Crafts and Cocktails – Spooky Stitching and Sipping – Stitch it Good w/ Stitching Pink
Wed, October 27th 10:00AM
Join Stitching Pink for a Spooktacular Halloween special filled with Chilling Crafts, Sinister Sips and Terrifying Treats!
INCANT SPELLS – The Lights Are On But Everyone’s Home w/ Deirdre Dionysiac
Wed, October 27th 12:00PM
The witch is a symbol and idea found in cultures all over the globe, and its perception has been instructive of and impactful on the status of women in said cultures. Presently, witches are having something of a cultural moment, and as a symbol it has of late been widely repurposed as a politically-charged and political symbol for women and marginalized peoples to draw on in their creative processes and elsewhere. Inspired in part by Séance Centre’s recently-released compilation “Incantations,” we will explore the idea of composition as spell and music as incantation, drawing on witch-identifying musicians and magic practitioners, their depictions in both popular and underground music, and a healthy portion of #witchyvibes.
Wed, October 27th 5:00PM
Hear an extended conversation between Jon Solomon and ethnomusicologist Evan Rapport about the latter’s new book “Damaged – Musicality and Race in Early American Punk,” Their in-depth discussion will be interspersed with myriad sonic examples of the bands, musical models, forms and styles they’re examining.
Synth from Hell – The Sonic Bloom w/ DJ Esoterica
Thurs, October 28th 12:00PM
A spooky look into the techno world of haunted dance music, post-punk, twisted disco, goth, industrial, techno, electronic body music, and more to get us into the spirit of Halloween. Ft My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, Psychic TV, Killing Joke, Bauhaus, Joy Division, Skinny Puppy, Tones on Tail, Dead Can Dance, Virgin Prunes, Play Dead, March Violets, Cabaret Voltaire, Swans, Nitzer Ebb, Throbbing Gristle and more!
Thurs, October 28th 5:00PM
The days are getting darker, and so is the music! Tune in for some oddball, freakish and haunting sounds, culled from the recesses of an ancient, recently-excavated and then reanimated record collection by yours truly, LIZBOT, in full KILLBOT mode! Somebody flipped my kill switch!
Events & stuff
It’s days like this that make me wish summer lasted forever
Literally just me standing outside WKCR in the summertime – nothing to see here…
A WPRB Zine! Luxury Space Transmissions vol. 1
In late September, we mailed out a zine to all our Spring Drive supporters! Featuring WPRB goodies like drawings, stories, and Wilbo, Luxury Space Transmissions #1 blasted off via several hundred stamps and volunteer labor. If you gave in the Spring and want one but didn’t get one in the mail, drop us an email and we’ll ship one out right away!
The aforementioned packing party!
Us, doing DJ things
Early September! We live DJ’d for 5 hours for a student event! The students did not like Flying Saucer Attack or Slowdive :(((( “Bad vibes” – a student, probably
Our sales director Hanna! Give her your money! Sales@wprb.com
David Byrne’s America Utopia at the Princeton Garden Theater
We partnered with the Princeton Garden Theater to present David Byrne’s America Utopia! Thanks to everyone who came over and said hi, got some stickers, and bought some t-shirts. And thanks to PGT for having us 🙂
WPRB History
Here’s the second (and final in our existing archives) WPRU Bulletin. Paul Dunn ’58 was the Bulletin’s managing editor as a Princeton Undergraduate, and continued to play an important role on WPRB’s board of trustees up to his passing earlier this year. You can download the complete bulletin (.PDF) below!
Have a biz or non-profit?
Underwriting with WPRB is very affordable and will connect your audience with thousands of likeminded PRBers!
That’s all for now
We don’t want to lock you into a existential spiral of TRIPLE BERRY BLOB: unsubscribe here. No hurt feelings…we will miss you though and we know we’ll never find another quite like you….Never meant…
Thanks for listening, thanks for reading, thanks for donating, thanks for subscribing <3
Have comments/questions/feedback on this first edition of the Triple Berry Blob? Reach out at newsletter@wprb.com!
Until we meet again, in Triple Berry Blob
Signed lovingly in unironic comic sans,
Dante Sudilovsky
Editor/Station Manager
WPRB Princeton
The Triple Berry Blob is WPRB Princeton’s Periodic Listener newsletter! Filled with news, graphics, and goodies
Our mailing address is:
You can reach out about this newsletter at newsletter@wprb.com
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