One of music’s great, distinctive voices shall be heard on WPRB this Wednesday night at 8:00 pm ET when the remarkable Thalia Zedek joins Jon Solomon on his program for a live session.
Last month Thrill Jockey released “Eve,” Zedek’s sixth solo album after a career fronting iconic independent acts like Dangerous Birds, Uzi, Live Skull and Come the past three decades. It is a gorgeous, gritty and deeply personal record which Bandcamp called “thrilling” and The Quietus described as “[a]n almost unbearably poignant, diamond-hard bolt of blue beauty, red-white pupils, brown-black irises.”
Prior to Wednesday’s broadcast, listen to “Eve” in full below.
[bandcamp album=1310748749 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande]
Joe from Don Giovanni talks New Alternative Music Festival on WPRB! News and Culture: October 7, 2016 »
September 19, 2016 @ 10:00pm EDT
Category: Uncategorized

One of music’s great, distinctive voices shall be heard on WPRB this Wednesday night at 8:00 pm ET when the remarkable Thalia Zedek joins Jon Solomon on his program for a live session.
Last month Thrill Jockey released “Eve,” Zedek’s sixth solo album after a career fronting iconic independent acts like Dangerous Birds, Uzi, Live Skull and Come the past three decades. It is a gorgeous, gritty and deeply personal record which Bandcamp called “thrilling” and The Quietus described as “[a]n almost unbearably poignant, diamond-hard bolt of blue beauty, red-white pupils, brown-black irises.”
Prior to Wednesday’s broadcast, listen to “Eve” in full below.
[bandcamp album=1310748749 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande]
Joe from Don Giovanni talks New Alternative Music Festival on WPRB! News and Culture: October 7, 2016 »